
Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 30, 2013

Hello all,

A while ago I found a Literary Agency that had a link to a blog called Pub Rants.  Out of curiosity I pulled it up to find that it contained a lot of very useful information as well as a similarity of mind that I admired. 

I followed the blog on and off for a while before looking further into the agency's website where I found a link to some webinars that Kristin Nelson, the author of the blog provided.  I was hesitant to sign up for any of them as I felt like I, as an author, was not capable of becoming better.  I had convinced myself that because I had no English degree and that my life had taken me in a different direction entirely that perhaps I was just meant to give it up and move on. 

At the beginning of September I pulled the website up again to find that there was a webinar for creating your query letter.  I read the description and the date and time and found that I could actually do this one and that perhaps I should reconsider my previous position about giving up.  Mind you I had continued to write I just felt that it was really just for me at this point. 

The information I gained from Kristin was more than I could have hoped for.  In addition I had a question after the seminar and I sent it in, and it was answered!  I really felt that this particular grouping of people had a genuine interest in seeing authors succeed. 

I have continued on and with the information I gained from the webinar and the information I obtained from the newsletter, yes they also provide a newsletter with a lot of information, I feel that I can make improvements in my writing and am currently taking another look at what I have done and reorganizing and re-editing with the hopes of soon submitting my manuscript again with a much better written query. 

If you are interest in looking at their site here is the link www.nelsonagency.com.

Perhaps next time I post I will have some more exciting news. 

Until then,


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