
Saturday, May 8, 2010


Oh, it has been so long since I have updated. So lets start with my vision board. I am definitely spending more time on family and issues involving them. With the turn of the weather it has been nice to be able to get out with my 5 and 7 year-old. They both recently learned to ride their bikes without training wheels, so that was a big accomplishment. They are both so proud of themselves.

On the personal level I finally got into a pair of pants that I have held onto for 2 years! So that must mean that I am toning up, and I am feeling pretty good about being in a bathing suit at the beach this year. So positive direction there.

On the book front, I have not secured a book signing, but I did manage to get information from Barnes and Noble about presenting it to be placed in store as opposed to just on the web-site. I continue to work on things but it is still very slow going. I do so appreciate those of you who purchased my book and left a review on the web-sties for me. It really is helpful.

The kids are getting excited about the pool being open soon, they don't seem to understand that it will still be cold for some time and swimming is still some ways off. However that is just one more sign that summer is finally arriving.

I would love to hear back from you so don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Till next time.