
Monday, November 15, 2010

Renewed energy

After many disappointments I have a renewed energy for promoting my book. I am still awaiting to hear from Joseph-Beth Booksellers, but am hopeful they will pick it up. I have spent lots of time posting on blogs and Amazon forums in hopes generating interest. I also sent out some initial contacts to many small gift shops at retirement homes and hospitals, anywhere there might be parents or grandparents, family members looking for sibling adjustment books.

I am still hopeful for a good response. I have it in Book Bums in Olde West Chest and have had some sales there. I have also gotten a posting on The Children's Book Review web-site and author pages on Amazon and Promise Angels.

I hope everyone is having a nice fall and will have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Talk at you soon.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Well I did get some exciting news. My book has successfully been turned into an e-book and can be bought on my existing web site. You can very easily obtain a copy by having adobe reader or a pdf reader on your computer or iPad. It is not quite the same as a paperback but for parents on the go, it can be very handy.

I also was able to schedule my second book signing at a very cute little bookery call Book Bums in Olde West Chester on Cincinnati-Dayton Road. The date is August 28th from 1-3 in the afternoon. I would love to see some of you there. The venue is adorable, they have great coffee and good treats, also a book exchange program and some for sale from local authors. They provide book clubs and children's programs. My children just really love it there and will be very disappointed when we won't be able to go on Monday mornings.

I hope everyone has had a great summer and wish you all the best in the upcoming school year and for the fall.

Till next time. Take care.


Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello everyone,

I keep meaning to update this blog more than once a month but things get so busy! I recently had my first book signing in Brookeville, that went okay, a few sales and talked to several other people, but I am not local there so I had not expected a great turn out. I have another possibility in West Chester at Book Bums, so look for more information on that to come. They are also considering carrying my book in their store which I am really excited about.

I plan to hit the hospitals near by that have maternity wards in hopes that they will carry a few. I need to plan a day to go though and finding one when you already own your own business is very difficult. But I will make it happen.

Life in general is going well. I would appreciate it if everyone could keep my cousins son Tony in their prayers, he is fighting a brain tumor for the second time and my friend from high schools daughter Ashley, who had a genetic disorder that has no cure and prognosis is usually not good. The families and these babies need the strength of prayer to help them through. Please remember them as often as you can.

Anyone who reads my blog, which right now is only a few. I would greatly appreciate it if you would request that your local library consider carrying my book. I requested it at the West Chester library and they ordered it right in. I was so excited and hope that it generates some more interest or a few sales.

Post me back some time so I have some time to read from you. I would be greatly interested in what you are up to.

Have a great month. It will probably take me that long to get back to you.

Til next time, happy reading.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well, I have been quite busy since my last post. I have been working hard on my vision board issues. Some are coming along quite nicely and others are going more slowly, but they all are moving in a positive direction.

First off my list is that I have managed to drop 10 pounds in preparation of my up coming vacation. Although that is very exciting it is not the most exciting thing I have to report. I personally find my second item more important. I have managed to secure my first book signing. It is going to be on July 10th at a very charming garden center owned by a friend if the family. Please refer to my Facebook page for the details. AuthorKatieS.

There is also accomplishments on the business front. For those of you who don't know I am also part owner of a property management firm in West Chester, Ohio.

In addition I would ask that any if you reading are of the praying type that you would pray for my friend and my cousin who are looking for miracles for their very ill children. If you could keep Tony and Ashley in your prayers we would be most grateful.

Till next time
Happy reading.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Oh, it has been so long since I have updated. So lets start with my vision board. I am definitely spending more time on family and issues involving them. With the turn of the weather it has been nice to be able to get out with my 5 and 7 year-old. They both recently learned to ride their bikes without training wheels, so that was a big accomplishment. They are both so proud of themselves.

On the personal level I finally got into a pair of pants that I have held onto for 2 years! So that must mean that I am toning up, and I am feeling pretty good about being in a bathing suit at the beach this year. So positive direction there.

On the book front, I have not secured a book signing, but I did manage to get information from Barnes and Noble about presenting it to be placed in store as opposed to just on the web-site. I continue to work on things but it is still very slow going. I do so appreciate those of you who purchased my book and left a review on the web-sties for me. It really is helpful.

The kids are getting excited about the pool being open soon, they don't seem to understand that it will still be cold for some time and swimming is still some ways off. However that is just one more sign that summer is finally arriving.

I would love to hear back from you so don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Till next time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reading Challenge/Vision Board

So on Goodreads.com I entered this reading challenge. The Challenge was to read in the urban fantasy genere, four books by June. Two of them have to be by authors you have not read before. So I started with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I really liked the first one and flew through it. The second one Dragonfly in Amber is full of political history. I don't like political history much, so I am having a hard time getting through this one. She is a fantastic writer and the research and dedication it must have taken her to put this together is just mind boggling. But I am going to stick with the challenge and get through all four of my books and I predict that it will be well before June.

On a side note I am still working hard on my vision board. Of course my personal goals are coming along better but I don't need to depend on what other people decide. So I keep plugging away, hoping that things will fall into place.

All things are possible with God. So I am forever hopeful.

Till Next time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vision Board

Oh, so I know I was going to have this up much earlier but with swim lessons, soccer practices, spring break...... Well, all you mothers get the picture.

So I had to give this a great deal of thought, its hard when you sit down and try to figure out what you are really striving for, but I managed to narrow it down to the essential things that I want to put on my vision board. I decided to leave the business end off since this not a business related blog.

1. Tone up
2. Weight loss about 5 lbs before vacation
3. Set more time aside for family

1. Secure a book signing
2. In store availability
3. Professional Review
4. 300 sold as per my contract

So there it is. Now that it is in writing I need to start working toward getting
some of it done. Of course that is not all of it since I own a business that will
play into my time also, but it helps to have it in writing in front of me. I think.

So everyone enjoy this beautiful weather and your families.

Till next time.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Downward facing dog

Okay, so as I was at yoga/Pilate's fusion today doing the downward facing dog for the millionth time, I began to wonder is this some how representative of what sometimes goes on in peoples lives. Assume the position and then you get a good but kicking. Not that anything has happened lately to make me so cynical, it was just a random thought. But then I thought, maybe I need to make a vision board to make sure that things begin to get done in my life. After all now that I am in my forties I ought to have a handle on what I want right? The key is to prioritize. I need to decide which things are most important and put those things at the top of my vision board. So next week before Easter I am going to come up with a list of things that will appear on my board, I think some business related, some book related, some kid related and some just fun related.

So stayed tuned to the next posting to see what will appear on my board.

Till next time

Sunday, March 21, 2010

the niecest people

I found the nicest guy on Goodreads.com this week. He is also an author Emmett Spain and the name of his book is Old Haunts: A London City Novel. I have not yet gotten his book in order to read it but I am very excited to read it.

On a funny note. For the two followers I have, if you don't know that I have a 5 month old great dane puppy, well I do. He got out the other day and as I was chasing him across the neighborhood I found myself thinking what the ******** was I thinking when I said I wanted a great dane puppy. Don't get me wrong he is really funny but gosh what a lot of work. I must be insane.

Kristi, Tammy. I hope all is well with you my only followers. I hope we get to see each other soon.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


I was googiling myself again tonight and I found that on www.tower.com I am ranked #17 on thier new sales for childrens books.

I want to list all the websites I find myself on but as of today, there are just so many. So if you are interested to look, just google my book title "Bia Gets a New Baby Brother" and they will all come right up.

I am still awaiting the first quarter report to find out how many have sold so far but it gives me hope that they will be good when I find new web sites all the time with me listed. Who would have thought!

Thanks to everyone who continues to purchase. I do so appreciate your support.

Till next time.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm back

It has been a while since I last posted but it is not because things have not been going on. I have been posting, posting, posting all over the internet. Which my marketing manager has told me is important. I am anxiously awaiting the schedule for my virtual book tour and am hopeful that will produce some good sales. I posted on high school face book page and actually got some response from that posting, so things are moving along, but as the publication took a long time, so does the process of getting the marketing working for me. As I have no expericence with it, it does not come as a suprise but I intend on working it as hard as I can and keep my chin up.

Please keep in mind that if you request it through a book store or at the library they are likely to then order it to keep in stock and I would be MOST grateful for that.

With spring coming I am hoping to be able to do some foot work around town to the book stores and market on a face to face level, rather than the mailings I have been doing through the winter.

Enjoy the warmer weather everyone.

Til Next

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What made you want to do that

When ever someone finds out that I wrote a book, I always get, "What made you want to do that?" I can't say that it was a conscious decision. I always enjoyed writing. I was fairly good in English while in high school. I enjoyed it certainly but never really considered it a career choice. After high school I went to a non-traditional college and still did very well in English.

Years later after having a child and getting married I started to think about writing again. However, at that time the Internet was not what it is today. You still had to do it by snail mail, send in your SASE and wait. So I did. What I wrote made no great impression and if I did get a response it was never positive. So life happened and the writing was put on the back burner.

Many years later now I found myself unexpectedly pregnant with our third child. So I started writing again in hopes that I could stay home with this one, ha ha. That story is still waiting to be published. (I hope it will be the next one.) Then 11 months later I was unexpectedly pregnant again with our fourth child. (I know what you are thinking, doesn't she know how to prevent that. I really did think I had it under control.) So I started writing again. This story would become Bia Gets a New Baby Brother after many re-writes.

So the writing just sat there because I still didn't know what to do until one day I was on Google and I typed in literary agencies. I happen to find one that was geared toward children writings. So I signed with them and they put it in their data base. In the mean time I could not shop it to anyone else. So for two years it continued to sit and I re-wrote the entire thing.

In passing I was talking to my mother who told me that if I wanted to do it I should pursue it, as "Time is going to pass anyway, you might as well do what you want". So I did. I pursued it. Eventually Strategic Publishing Group contacted me and I worked with them for over a year in order to get it to print.

I really just wanted to do something that I love, that I can leave behind for my children, their children, etc. I like to think that somewhere there are children reading my book and smiling and laughing, that they are enjoying reading it as much as I had hoped.

So, I want to say Thanks Mom. Without her simple insight, that book would probably still be sitting on a disc somewhere just waiting to be read.

Till next time.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New websites

I am continually searching the internet for new websites and am always amazed at the places my book shows up. For instance today I found these:




Both in languages I do not know. If any one knows the languages please let me know.

Till next time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Marketing Marketing Marketing

I don't find marketing the fun part of this but I am giving it my best. This weekend I have sent out my press release and letters to several local book stores in hopes of getting them to at least carry my book. With a little luck I may be able to pull a book signing out of the contacts.

Thanks to all of you who have ordered my book. I really hope that you like it and in some cases find it useful.

Enjoy the snow Cincinnati!

Till next time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Continued exposure

Good morning all!

I found this yesterday on another web-site and thought it was pretty funny. I can't read any of it. Who knew it would be available in so many places. I was just happy that I found it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


Thanks again to everyone who ordered my book and I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed producing it.

Have a Great Day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Newest web site

Hello all,

I found another link that show cases my book. Please check out www.aegauthorsedge.com
You will then go to New releases, children's releases and then Strategic Publishing Group. I am the first one!

Also sent out announcements to all my friends and family today that do not have e-mail or facebook.

Till next time.

Friday, January 29, 2010

For sale around the world

Hi all. I am so excited to find out that my book is for sale in the United Kingdom as well as Australia. I found it today on AbeBooks.com.uk. It seems very overwhelming all the things they want me to do, but I am working everything they have told me and soon hope to see some good results.

Thanks for the all the support.

Happy Reading.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day two

I am still amazed at the buzz I am receiving about my book. I made my first networking post today to another blog and things seem to be moving along marketing wise. It is all so exciting and overwhelming. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thanks again for all the well wishes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21, 2010

This being my first blog, I would first like to Thank my friends and family for all the kind words and encouragement surrounding the release of my first book.

Check it out at: www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/BiaGetsaNewBabyBrother.html

Have a great night!